.NET · ASP.net · Asp.net mvc · docker · windows

ASP.net 4.5 applications on Docker Container

Docker makes application deployment easier than ever before. However, most of the Docker articles are often written how to containerized application that runs on Linux boxes. But since Microsoft now released windows containers, the legacy (yes, we can consider .net 4.5 as legacy apps) .net web apps are not left out anymore. I was playing… Continue reading ASP.net 4.5 applications on Docker Container

Ajax · Asp.net mvc · Autocomplete · dynamic · jQuery

jQuery Autocomplete inside partially rendered user control?

Yesterday a very small issue put me into the hell for almost an hour. Finally I was able to figure out a workaround for me.I am not claiming this is the best approach to solve this problem or stuff like that, but definitely it worked for me nice, and I did not find any downside… Continue reading jQuery Autocomplete inside partially rendered user control?