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Streamlining Azure Resource Management with AI-Powered LCM

Introduction The source code of the POC can be found in this GitHub repository. In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, staying up-to-date with the latest updates and changes to Azure resources is crucial for maintaining efficiency and security. However, managing the lifecycle of Azure resources can be a daunting task, especially for large-scale deployments.… Continue reading Streamlining Azure Resource Management with AI-Powered LCM

AKS · Azure · Azure Active Directory · Azure CLI · Azure Container Registry · Azure SQL · docker · Entra · Kubernetes · Kubernetes · managed-identity · microsoft · Python · Workload Identity Federation · Workload Identity Federation

AKS Workload identity – A Deeper look

Background Recently, I found myself delving into the intricacies of Workload Identity Federation within Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) while explaining it to some friends. As I delved deeper into the topic, I realized the importance of documenting and summarizing this information for anyone else navigating the same waters - including my future self. So, let's… Continue reading AKS Workload identity – A Deeper look

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End-to-End Security: Function, Azure SQL, and API Management

Introduction In the dynamic realm of today's digital environment, safeguarding your applications and data holds utmost importance. This blog post is designed to lead you through the steps of establishing comprehensive security measures for an Azure Function App, Azure SQL database, and API Management. Our approach involves leveraging Azure Virtual Network (VNet) for robust network… Continue reading End-to-End Security: Function, Azure SQL, and API Management

AKS · Azure CLI · Azure Container Instance · AzureContainerApps · Gatekeeper · Kubernetes · Open Policy Agent · Policy

Enforce stateless containers on Azure

Background In the constantly changing realm of containerization and cloud computing, the demand for dynamic and scalable solutions has taken center stage. I recently faced a distinctive challenge from a client who was determined to attain stateless containers throughout their Azure infrastructure. While Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) provided a built-in policy to restrict stateful containers,… Continue reading Enforce stateless containers on Azure

.NET · API-Management-Service · APIM · Architecture · Automation · Azure CLI · AzureDevOps · Cloud Governance · docker · managed-identity · REST

Orion-Guardian: Azure DevOps Security Management at Scale

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, ensuring the security and autonomy of your projects is paramount. Azure DevOps has become a cornerstone for many development teams, providing a robust set of tools for collaboration and project management. However, managing security at scale can be a daunting task. Enter Orion Guardian – a game-changing… Continue reading Orion-Guardian: Azure DevOps Security Management at Scale

Azure · Azure Communication Service · Azure Container Registry · AzureContainerApps · Bicep · Bicep · IAC · Identity · Infrastructure As Code · managed-identity · ServicePrincipal

Azure Communication Service with Managed Identity

Background A few months ago, I have written a Demo application that shows how to send email and SMS via Azure Communication Service. The code was written in Spring Boot (Java) and hosted on Azure Container Apps. During the demo, I have used Connection strings of Azure Communication Service which is not ideal for production… Continue reading Azure Communication Service with Managed Identity

Azure · Azure Cognitive Services · Azure Open Ai · AzureDevOps

Infusing Azure Open AI into a Copilot for Azure DevOps

I have been learning Azure Open AI recently and thought of building a Copilot for Azure DevOps as a proof-of-concept. I have used the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) as described in this article. It was a fun exercise to build it and learn quite a bit about Generative AI models, embedding etc. The video shows a… Continue reading Infusing Azure Open AI into a Copilot for Azure DevOps

Azure Communication Service · AzureContainerApps · Infrastructure As Code · Java · Spring boot · terraform

Email and SMS with Azure Communication Service: Step-by-Step

Introduction Azure Communication Service is a powerful cloud-based platform offered by Microsoft that enables developers to integrate real-time communication features like SMS, voice, and email into their applications. With Azure Communication Service, developers can easily send emails and SMS to end users in a unified and seamless way, reducing the complexity of managing multiple communication… Continue reading Email and SMS with Azure Communication Service: Step-by-Step

.NET · .net-core · API-Management-Service · APIM · Architecture · Azure · Azure Container Registry · AzureContainerApps · AzureDevOps · Bicep · Bicep · C# · IAC · Infrastructure As Code · managed-identity

Secure API with API Management, network integrated Container Apps

Introduction In today's digital landscape, APIs play a crucial role in connecting applications and enabling seamless interactions. However, with the increasing importance of APIs, ensuring their security becomes paramount. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a secure API using .net and hosted on Azure Container Apps, expose them via Azure API Management… Continue reading Secure API with API Management, network integrated Container Apps

AzureDevOps · docker · ServicePrincipal

Azure DevOps Container agents without PAT

Azure DevOps now supports Service principals and Managed identities for authentication. This is currently (at the time of writing) in Public Preview. This is quite an interesting feature and addresses many concerns related to personal access tokens (PATs). I have a self-hosted container agent runs on Docker which needs PAT to spin up. With the new development… Continue reading Azure DevOps Container agents without PAT